Why Choose 24 Hour Urgent Care Online?

Why Choose 24 Hour Urgent Care Online?

Let’s imagine you experience sudden pain in your ear in the middle of a packed work week, on a holiday, or in the middle of the night. You don’t want to wait weeks for a doctor’s appointment and you definitely don’t want to risk waiting in the presence of other...
STD Symptoms in Men: What to Look Out For

STD Symptoms in Men: What to Look Out For

A lot of men think that if they ever contract an STD, they would know. It’s a common notion that STDs come with painful symptoms like blisters, itching, rashes, and painful urination. The truth is, however, that not all symptoms are so obvious and apparent. You may...
STD Symptoms Women: What Women Need to Know

STD Symptoms Women: What Women Need to Know

If you didn’t know already, sexually transmitted diseases impact women differently than men. For starters, STD symptoms in women are not always obvious. Many women are asymptomatic, which means they don’t present any symptoms. And if the symptoms do appear, they are...
Identifying The Most Common STD Symptoms

Identifying The Most Common STD Symptoms

According to the CDC, STDs are increasing in the US at an alarming rate. In 2018, 110 million Americans were tested positive for an STD, and 20 million new infections seem to pop up each year. With the ongoing pandemic, life is stressful enough without contracting a...