
Prescription Refills

Let’s take care of it.

Request a refill

by answering a few simple questions.

Be seen by the doctor

on your phone, tablet or computer.

Go to the pharmacy

of your choice.

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We understand that life can be stressful.

Trying to refill prescription medications comes with so many challenges, whether it’s waiting weeks to get in to see your doctor, inconvenient doctor office hours, busy schedules that aren’t conducive to in-person visits, etc.

We get it. We are here to help.

Prescription refill policy

  • Safety, quality and the highest standard comes first.
  • We will make the process easy.
  • You have to be seen by the doctor and the refill approval is at the discretion of that doctor, if medically appropriate.
  • You must be currently taking the medication, and it must have been refilled in the last three months to qualify.
  • If you are wanting to be started on a new medication, our doctors will see you and prescribe the appropriate medication.
  • Certain medications do not qualify for refills. These include: narcotics, controlled substances, muscle relaxants or other medications deemed to be less safe.

Get Started Now!

Please fill out the form below to register and get started today.