COVID-19 Guidance
We are here to answer all of your questions.
We provide a full spectrum of support and guidance during this pandemic, as listed below.
We can discuss with you local options for testing in your area and at home kits that can be ordered from other companies.
If you believe you have been exposed
We will:
- Answer all of your questions about the exposure
- Explain the difference between past exposure and current exposure
- Advise you on next steps

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19
We will:
- Evaluate your risk and discuss symptoms you should be concerned with
- Advise you on when to go to the ER
- Advise you on quarantine guidelines and how to keep your family safe
- Prescribe medications to help you with your symptoms, if needed
If you need a doctor's note for work or school
We are here to help:
- Evaluate your need for self-quarantine or Isolation
- Provide a doctor’s note excusing you from work or school if appropriate
- Provide a doctor’s release note for you to return to work or school

If you have questions about testing
We have all the answers:
- Advise you on different types of tests available; Antibody vs PCR
- Explain what your test results mean and how accurate they are
- Advise you on where to go get testing
- Currently we do not order tests for COVID-19 or write lab orders for COVID-19 testing
If you are trying to cope with stress and anxiety
We can:
- Evaluate your particular situation and provide guidance
- Offer coping mechanisms and discuss ways to decrease stress and anxiety related to COVID-19

When you have been exposed to COVID-19 it can be a very stressful experience.
We can help answer your questions:
- Will you need to self-quarantine? For how long?
- Can you continue to go to work if you wear a mask?
- Will you expose other family members when you return home?
- Do you need to get tested?
- What type of test do you need?
- Where do you go to get tested?
- How accurate are the tests?
- How long does it take to get a test result?
- Do other family members need to be tested?
Those who have not been exposed or diagnosed will also have questions.
Many people have questions about wearing masks, social distancing, proper hand hygiene, what symptoms to look out for and what to do if you develop symptoms. You may want a risk assessment in the event you were to contract the disease. You may want to know about the possibility of vaccines in the near future.
If you have been diagnosed after being tested you may experience even greater stress and anxiety while coping with medical symptoms.
You will likely have many questions as well. You may wonder what your risks are and what prognosis you may be facing. You may be wondering about how to self-quarantine and about protecting your family. You may want to know what symptoms should trigger you to call the emergency room and go for care. You may need supporting medication for your symptoms. You may have questions about the latest supporting treatments for admitted patients with COVID-19.
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